Caroline S., GPS Parent

I often say that choosing Golden Pond School was the best decision my husband and I ever made for our four children. The positive, hands-on preschool environment fostered a deep love of learning in each of them, and in Kindergarten their reading, writing, and knowledge of the wonderful themes (such as simple machines and underground animals) exploded. The Golden Pond environment and curriculum is a priceless gift that sets the stage for a very bright future for each student. At the end of her 4th year at Golden Pond, my daughter said it best in the card she wrote to her teacher for her Kindergarten graduation…

I love my school so much I don’t want to leave my school or my teachers. I am so so so so so so so very very really really sad it’s no more school. It’s done, it’s over. I want to stay at Golden Pond for ever and ever and ever even when I’m a grown up. That is how much I really super duper love school. I love all the teachers in the other times when I was more littler than I am now. I love going to school here at Golden Pond School. I will miss you GPS.