How to make your child’s first school days happy ones!

Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 9.22.49 AMAt Golden Pond School, our dedicated, creative faculty is available to help make the first day of school a happy, fun transition. Check out suggestions below for assisting your child during this time:

  • Prepare your child for the new school experience by explaining what to expect, answering all questions directly and honestly.
  • Convey a positive attitude. Young children are aware of your feelings.  Your enthusiasm will assure your child that school is a fun and exciting place.
  • Establish a routine involving the night before a school day as well as morning preparation.  Rituals and routines will add predictability and are comforting in unfamiliar situations.
  • Use carline. This allows the teacher to begin class activities promptly, engaging your child quickly in classroom activities and lessening separation anxiety.
  • Clearly state to your child where you will be and when you will return. It may also be helpful to discuss what will happen when you are reunited.
  • Keep the goodbyes sweet, comforting and short when drop-off at the classroom is a necessity. A big hug and kiss, along with a confident “see you after schoo,l” will help your child to adjust more quickly. This also allows the teacher to begin class on time and maximizes your child’s learning experience.